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Get Help Winning the Benefits You Deserve

The phrase “congestive heart failure” is enough to leave you worried.

When your heart doesn’t work as well it should, your life changes in an instant. You wonder about treatment options. Your perspective shifts.

For many with congestive heart failure, holding a full-time job becomes untenable. Your health just doesn’t allow it.

No job means no income, but your bills will keep coming in the mail without sympathy. How are you going to pay those, not to mention any medical costs, if you can’t work?

Social Security Disability benefits are meant for people in your position. The monthly checks can save you from financial ruin, so you can focus on what’s most important: feeling your best.

Sadly, these benefits can be difficult to win. Most first-time applicants are denied.

An experienced disability representative can give you the help you need. At Hanley Disability, we take pride in helping our neighbors get the benefits they deserve.

Give us a call today to get your case started—no matter where you are in the process.

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Once you’re denied benefits, the clock starts ticking. Don’t wait too long. You might miss the deadline to appeal.

How To Appeal
Two Hanley Disability attorneys

How to Qualify for Social Security Disability with CHF

Social Security classifies congestive heart failure under the broader umbrella of “chronic heart failure” (CHF).

And you can’t just tell Social Security you have CHF—you have to prove it. You’ll need to show them hospital records, doctor’s reports, supporting testimonials and more.

Your application will need to show that you have one of these two types of heart failure:

  • Systolic failure – This is when your heart isn’t pumping blood as strongly as it should.
  • Diastolic failure – This happens when the muscle in your heart becomes stiff, limiting the heart’s filling capacity.

You’ll also need to prove that it meet Social Security’s baseline for qualifying:

  • Your health condition has made working impossible.
  • You’re unable to switch to a different line of work.
  • You’ll be out of work for at least a year.

This can all feel overwhelming. We know, and we’re here for you.

Our staff can answer any questions you have, and help guide you through what can be a tough time.

We’ll even evaluate your case for free.

Tell Us Your Story
Indianapolis woman wonders how long she has to wait for her disability benefits

Don’t Give Up After a Denial

Receiving a denial can be crushing.

You’re the one going through the hard time, right? How dare they deny you the support you need?

A denial is not the end.

Social Security features a multi-step appeals process with chances to win at each juncture. Your best chance opportunity at an appeals hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ), which is the only time you’re able to plead your case in person.

You don’t have to go through this alone. In fact, a Government Accountability Office study found you’re three times as likely to win benefits at an appeals hearing if you hire representation.

So don’t leave your future to chance. If you’re in Indianapolis, or anywhere in Indiana, get in touch with Hanley Disability today.

Social Security Disability is all we do.

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Indianapolis couple fills out free disability consultation form
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